The School Day
Times of the School Day
School session times for all children are as follows:-
8.45 a.m | Start of School |
10.20-1035a.m | KS1/KS2 Playtime |
10.10-10.25a.m | KS1 Playtime Thursday |
11.50*/12.00-1.00p.m | Lunch |
1.00-3.05p.m | Afternoon |
2.05-2.15* | KS1 Playtime |
3.15 p.m | End of School |
*Key Stage 1 times
Parents are asked not to bring children to school before 8.35 a.m. unless prior arrangements have been made.
The younger children should always be met by a parent or adult at the end of the school day, unless they are travelling on the school bus. Parents are asked to wait outside in the playground.
Apart from children who travel on the school bus and are supervised on their arrival, most children are able to arrive from 8:35am each morning when the school gates are opened. Children go straight to their classes on arrival.
On occasions, parents pre-arrange with the school for children to arrive at school earlier for a short period due to exceptional circumstances. These occasions must be prearranged and are only short term. If parents have work commitments, it is important that arrangements are made independently to ensure that children do not arrive before the specified time as we are unable to take on this responsibility. In addition, regardless of the time parents are responsible for the safety and well being of their children to and from the school gate.
There may be occasions when the school has to close at short notice due to severe or worsening weather conditions, heating or other emergencies which adversely affect the safety and well being of children and staff. On such occasions parents will be contacted and children will remain within school (if conditions allow) until arrangements have been made for their collection.
Parents have the choice of children having a cooked school meal or providing a packed lunch. It is essential that packed lunches are brought in a secure plastic box clearly marked with the child’s name. Children bringing drinks should have them in watertight containers – glass bottles or fizzy drinks are not allowed.
Children of parents in receipt of Income Support or Working Tax Credit may be eligible for a free school meal. Further details can be obtained from the school, and information will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence.
All Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1 children participate in the ‘Fruit in School’ Scheme and are given a piece of fruit each day at playtime. We are quite happy for Key Stage 2 children to bring a small snack to school, to eat at mid-morning break, if they wish. (This may be a plain biscuit or piece of fruit, but not sweets, chocolate biscuits or crisps). Snacks should be packed separately from their lunch box and in a container/bag small enough to put in their individual trays, causing less disruption at break times.
Drinking more water throughout the day has a proven effect on how children perform at school. We are now strongly encouraging children to drink more water throughout the day.
We take the issue of security seriously. Each of the external doors and some fire exit doors have been fitted with a digital locking device which allows easy access to the outside for children and staff but once the doors are closed will prevent unauthorised entry unless a code number is keyed into the lock. At the beginning and end of each school day, parents and visitors use the main entrance only and report to reception.
Access from the main entrance is controlled by a remote locking device and is monitored by CCTV. When the office is not occupied, an intercom system allows visitors to talk to the head or deputy who are able to release the remote mechanism. Visitors to the school are requested to sign in and wear an official visitor pass, signing out on departure. Short visits by parents who wish to enter the school are not required to sign in but may be given a tag to wear which is returned to the office on departure. School staff and helpers wear identity badges.
As an extra security measure each gate leading into the playground is locked during the school day. Gates are locked at 8:45 a.m. and unlocked at approximately 3.10 p.m. This means that the playground is not accessible to visitors and others between these times.
For the security of the school, both inside and out, the grounds are out of bounds when the school is closed. Any sign of intruders or youths on the school field or playground in the evenings, at weekends or during holidays are reported to the Police immediately.