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John Harrox Primary School John Harrox Primary School

John Harrox Primary School


 At the John Harrox Primary School, we teach the computing subject content outlined in the National Curriculum in a progressive way, according to our subject progression maps and subject overviews.

We believe that children should leave primary school confident and safe users of a range of digital devices. As a school, we have access to our computer suite and two banks of iPads to support the teaching of our high-quality computing curriculum. 

We also celebrate, through the Global Outlook, how connected we are as a world through the power of the internet and how this can lead to greater cooperation and a sense of belonging to the global and local community. We prepare the children for the jobs of tomorrow and demonstrate to the children how computers and computer networks can be used to support independence and foster enterprise.

In a world where social media has become a much larger part of our lives, we must ensure that children are equipped with a range of tools to be able to use social media and the internet safely. We utilise the resources from Thinkuknow and Project Evolve to support the teaching of Digital Literacy.

As a school, through our Healthy Outlook, we aim to create caring, considerate and courteous users of technology.