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John Harrox Primary School John Harrox Primary School

John Harrox Primary School

KS1 Donaldson, Jeffers and McKee Classes

Welcome to our KS1 blog. Over the coming weeks and months we hope to populate the blog with news from our fabulous class. Please keep a look out for news updates to see what we have been up to, busily working hard in school. 

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  • 04/07/24

    Skegness Aquarium

    The theme of the day was under the sea! (well .... with a few added extras!) The KS1 children travelled by coach on a sunny Thursday to visit the wonderful aquarium in Skegness. After many 'Are we there yet?' questions, we safely arrived and split into groups to explore. The children we...
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  • 21/06/24


    The Year 2 children had a fantastic new experience on Wednesday morning! The children met the sports coach from Elite, who introduced them to fencing. With the children having any prior experience, they worked their way through some of the simple moves required to be an effective fencer. A...
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  • 21/06/24

    New Age Curling

    The Year 1 children had a wonderful new experience on Wednesday! They were introduced to New Age Curling! Very few children had even heard of curling, without playing it for themselves, so this was insightful to them all! The children worked alongside the sports coach from Elite to develop their new...
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  • 20/06/24

    Parachute Fun!

    What great fun! After it being rained off on Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon brought the sunshine, smiles and parachute fun!  Shaking, lifting and running underneath were the main activities, with the children enjoying the game of traditional fruit salad! Making a parachute dome brought...
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  • 19/06/24

    Tuesday 18th June - School Games Week

    Circuit Training
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  • 14/06/24

    Sports Day!

    Wow! What a wonderful Sports Day!  After many hours of anxious teachers checking the weather forecast, we were fortunate to have a bright, dry morning to celebrate our sports day! The children were on top form, completing a range of sporting activities in our round-robin. The children d...
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  • 12/06/24

    The world around us!

    We have been exploring the world ….. well through our atlas’ at the very least! The children initially recapped the names of the continents and oceans using our favourite catchy songs, before being handed a jigsaw puzzle of the world. In teams, they rebuilt the world by taking into acco...
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  • 07/06/24

    Donaldson Class Assembly

    What a lovely end of the week! EYFS and KS1 had the privilege of watching the Donaldson class assembly. With their parents watching, Donaldson class discussed their favourite Julia Donaldson books as well as modelled their brilliant whales based on the story 'Snail and the Whale'. They pe...
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  • 03/06/24

    Phonics Sound Hunt

    Phonics is the word of the week! The children have thoroughly enjoyed sound hunting this afternoon, correctly identifying their Set 2 RWI sounds. A green word card explosion had erupted over lunchtime and the children returned to a room full of words! With our trusty big paper and felt tips at...
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  • 24/05/24

    Worry Dolls

    In Art this term, the children have designed and created worry dolls. They started by investigating and designing different body positions. They then drew their representations in their sketch books before using sticks to replicate a position for their worry doll. The children ha...
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  • 07/05/24

    Spalding Flower Festival!

    This week the children have got into the spirit of the Spalding flower festival! Each class in school has chosen a sport and has created a flower silhouette masterpiece.  The children thoroughly enjoyed making a range of different flowers, carefully following a set of instructions. Whilst...
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