Sports Day!
Wow! What a wonderful Sports Day!
After many hours of anxious teachers checking the weather forecast, we were fortunate to have a bright, dry morning to celebrate our sports day! The children were on top form, completing a range of sporting activities in our round-robin. The children demonstrated their determination, agility and resilience whilst jumping, kicking, throwing and running. With their parents and careers watching on, the children beautifully modelled our 5C values and had great fun. When the round-robin concluded, the children moved on to the track events. The flat race was the first to commence with Mrs Worth and Mr Prosser starting the race, and Mrs Capper and the brilliant Year 5 helpers eagerly awaiting the runners at the finishing line, with their stickers at the ready. The children ran superbly with their friends and family cheering them on! The next race involved balancing a quoit or bean bag on their head. With a look of concentration etched on their faces, the children carefully made their way down the track, avoiding the urge to hold onto their quoit or beanbag! Our final race involved our trusty 'big spoons' and, the not so traditional, potatoes! With their outreaching arms, the children tried their best to not drop their potato as they completed the race. However, in usual fashion, the potatoes went everywhere, with the children running after their runaway potato! Lots of laughs could be heard by all and, fortunately, not many squashed potatoes could be seen!
We are extremely proud of every child who participated today. We hope you had as much fun as we did! I am already counting down the hours until our fabulous sports week!