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John Harrox Primary School John Harrox Primary School

John Harrox Primary School

New Age Curling

The Year 1 children had a wonderful new experience on Wednesday! They were introduced to New Age Curling! Very few children had even heard of curling, without playing it for themselves, so this was insightful to them all! The children worked alongside the sports coach from Elite to develop their newly found skills. Using the curling stones, the children were challenged to slide their stones towards their opponents' target cones. The children listened carefully to the instructions and concentrated hard to slide the stones precisely. Whilst a few stones went wide or did not reach the intended target to begin with, the children demonstrated their conscientious natures to gain greater accuracy. This was especially apparent during the championship competition at the end of the session. The children were very sporting towards their peers while demonstrating their competitive natures, with many exclamations of joy echoing around the hall when they successfully hit the target cones. Another fantastic session during our sports week!