Working Together
Home / School Liaison
We pride ourselves in knowing that within our school an atmosphere is created which makes it a happy place, and to which children will want to return day after day. From time to time your child may encounter problems, which can be upsetting. It is at such times that we hope parents will contact the school, as we are always available to discuss the needs of your child.
Regular visits to school from parents, whether formal or informal, help to foster a strong link between home and school and it is very important that a child is aware of such a close and sympathetic relationship. We believe that a good working relationship between parents and school will greatly benefit your child.
Teachers are usually available for a short amount of time before and after school to chat informally. However, if there is a matter for concern parents can make arrangements to see a member of staff at a mutually convenient time after school. Please ask or phone the school office for an appointment.
In addition to informal contact arrangements we also have regular parents evenings when you are invited to come and discuss your child’s progress with their class teacher. Where a child does not live with both parents we ask that both parents attend the same appointment as this ensures that both parents receive the same information and is an indication of joint support for the child’s achievements.
At the end of the academic year you will also receive a written report on your child’s progress. This gives detailed information about progress made and will also outline areas for improvement.
There are many occasions when parental help is required within school and a letter is sent home during the school year, asking for volunteers. The type of activities that parents are involved with include the making of classroom resources, educational visits, sporting activities and general help within the classroom.
Letters sent home
There is a regular termly newsletter which includes dates of forthcoming events. In addition, a Key Stage One and Two termly newsletter is produced which details specific information relating to your child’s class or year group. Other letters giving important information and notice of special events are sent home as and when necessary. All letters will be given to your child to bring home (please check bags regularly!).
In families where parents do not live at the same address then communication will normally be made with the parent/guardian with whom the child resides. When letters, reports and notes are sent home it is assumed that all interested parties will have access to these. If another copy is required a SAE must be supplied, or a visit to school made in person to pick up the necessary documentation.
Tickets for events such as school concerts etc are allocated by giving a number of tickets per child. This may mean that we will not be able to give enough tickets for all parents and ‘step’ parents to attend.
School Rules and Behaviour
The responsibility for ensuring that all children are well behaved and keeping to our expectations is shared by all staff, but it is really only effective if parents support what we do.
Most of the school rules/expectations are those which are necessary for the well-being and safety of everyone. All children are expected to behave in a responsible, thoughtful and caring manner at all times. Children will be made familiar with the rules as the need arises.
At The John Harrox Primary School we believe that everyone has the right to feel safe, secure and happy within our community.
Above all we encourage our children to be:
- Caring - for each other and their school
- Courteous - towards everyone
- Considerate - to others in everything they do
- Conscientious - at all times
- Co-operative - the success of our Community
is based on us all learning to work together to
create a high quality learning environment.
We work together to do this by:
- fostering a sense of responsibility and consideration for others
- celebration assemblies to share achievements within and beyond school
- providing a high quality learning environment and quality resources so that children take a pride in themselves, their work and their school
- encouraging children to work as part of a team
- ensuring all children, parents and staff are aware of expectations, rewards and sanctions connected with school rules and behaviour
- providing a wide range of out of school and extra curricular activities
- inviting others (members of community, performers) into school
- involving parents in the life of the school.
- assisting families who are unable to meet the cost of school trips and activities as part of the policy of inclusion.
Children are rewarded with 5C’s badges, house points and praise and parents are encouraged to support children and to praise their achievements. Should children not respect our school rules/expectations then the school has a behaviour and playing positively policy that identifies strategies to prevent inappropriate behaviour from re-occurring. This is a series of warnings and sanctions that all members of staff are aware of and adhere to.
Our intention is to work with parents in helping children to understand their responsibility to act in an appropriate manner.
Sometimes a child’s behaviour may be the result of some changes to circumstances at home. It is always helpful to staff if parents discuss any changes to home circumstances that may impact on how a child is at school.