Educational Visits
We believe that educational visits can be extremely useful in enhancing first hand experience for your child in many areas of the curriculum.
Each year all children will have the opportunity to go on out-of-school visits with their class. Such visits are invariably of an educational nature and are normally linked with topics or work being undertaken at the time.
Residential trips are arranged for children in years 5 and 6. Recently year 5 children have attended Malham Youth Hostel for 3 nights and have visited PGL Bawdsey in Suffolk for a week. This gives children the opportunity to experience a wide range of outdoor and adventurous activities within a safe and controlled environment. Great care is taken to ensure that each child is given adequate supervision and is well fed and looked after.
Before any educational visit thorough risk assessments are carried out by members of staff.
Visits, however, can be costly and you will be asked to make a voluntary contribution to cover the cost incurred. If for any reason you are unable to do this, your child will not be penalised by removal from the visits. It should be noted, however, that if large numbers of parents felt unable to make this donation, then these visits would no longer be viable and would cease.